Social work practice can be described as a process where in people with problems and unmet needs engage with social workers in receiving help that results in change ( Sheafor, Horejsi, & Sheafor, 2000).
Social work seeks to enhance the social functioning of individuals, singularly and in groups, by activities focused upon their social relationship which constitute interaction between individuals and their environments. these activities can be grouped into three function: restorian of impaired capacity, provision of individual and social resources, and prevention of social dysfunction. (Werner Boehm, 1958)
Social work as "a professional activity of helping individuals, groups, and communities to enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and to create societal conditions that are favorable to their goals". (NASW, 1973)
Social Work Practice Consists of :
1. the professional application of social-work values, principles, and techniques to oneor more of the following ends;
2. helping people obtain tangible services
3. counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups;
4. helping communities or group provide or improve social and health services; and
5. participating in relevant legislative processes
The Practice of Social Work Requires Knowledge
- of human development and behavior;
- of social, economic, and cultural intitutions; and
- of the interaction of all of these factors
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